
[MySQL][Spider][VP]Spider-2.27 VP-0.16 released

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spider storage engine version 2.27(beta) and Vertical Partitioning storage engine version 0.16(beta).
Spider is a Storage Engine for database sharding.
Vertical Partitioning is a Storage Engine for vertical partitioning for a table.

Please use the following for downloading binary file.

The main changes in this version are following.
Q4M is bundled for Linux 64bit.
  Bundled Q4M supports replication, but please use it carefully.

- Support R-Tree index.
- Support direct updating for SQL access.
- Support handlersocket increment and decrement.
- Change table parameter from "net_timeout" to "connect_timeout", "net_read_timeout" and "net_write_timeout".
- Change server parameter from "spider_net_timeout" to "spider_connect_timeout", "spider_net_read_timeout" and "spider_net_write_timeout".
- Add UDF paramter "access_mode". "spider_direct_sql" support handlersocket access.
- Add server parameter "spider_hs_ping_interval", "spider_error_read_mode" and "spider_error_write_mode".
- Add table parameter "hs_write_to_read", "error_read_mode" and "error_write_mode".
- Performance improvement for "COUNT(*)", "MAX" and "MIN" without clause.
- Change parameter from "net_timeout" and "spider_net_timeout" to "connect_timeout", "net_read_timeout", "net_write_timeout", "spider_connect_timeout", "spider_net_read_timeout" and "spider_net_write_timeout" from this version.
- From this version, you can't compile with static link option for Spider.

Vertical Partitioning
- Support R-Tree index.
- Support direct updating.
- Support handlersocket increment and decrement.
- From this version, you can't compile with static link option for VP.

- Add server parameter "handlersocket_general_log".
  Logging handlersocket request into general log with "general_log=on". This parameter is global parameter and you can change it from SQL interface.

Please see "99_change_logs.txt" in the download documents for checking other changes.



[MySQL][Spider][VP]Spider-2.26 VP-0.15 released

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spider storage engine version 2.26(beta) and Vertical Partitioning storage engine version 0.15(beta).
Spider is a Storage Engine for database sharding.
Vertical Partitioning is a Storage Engine for vertical partitioning for a table.

Recently, I can't upload the binary file to Launchpad, so I put the binary file at the following. Please use the following for downloading binary file.

The main changes in this version are following.
- Add table parameter "active_link_count", "read_only_mode", "first_read" and "second_read".
- Add server parameter "spider_read_only_mode", "spider_first_read", "spider_second_read", "spider_remote_time_zone" and "spider_sync_time_zone".
  "active_link_count" is a parameter for using Active-Standby database for data node. Normally, set "active_link_count" to 1 for using Active-Standby data node. Currently, this feature supports only Active-Standby that can switch immediately. For this changing, Spider's management table was changed from previous version, please execute "install_spider.sql" for upgrading.
- Reducing access to data nodes.
  By this change, even if a shard is crushed, you can continue accessing to other shard.

Vertical Partitioning
  This release is bug fix release.

Please see "99_change_logs.txt" in the download documents for checking other changes.



[MySQL][Spider][VP]Spider-2.25 VP-0.14 released

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spider storage engine version 2.25(beta) and Vertical Partitioning storage engine version 0.14(beta).
Spider is a Storage Engine for database sharding.
Vertical Partitioning is a Storage Engine for vertical partitioning for a table.

The main changes in this version are following.
- Add table parameter "skip_default_condition" and "direct_order_limit".
- Add server parameter "spider_skip_default_condition" and "spider_direct_order_limit".
  "direct_order_limit" improves some SQL with "order by" and "limit" performance.
- Add UDF "spider_flush_table_mon_cache".
  "spider_flush_table_mon_cache" is used for reflecting changing of table monitoring server information.
- Wild card for monitoring server information is now available.
  Wild card like used for user information can be used for monitoring server information(db_name、table_name、link_id), and you can set a monitoring server information for multiple tables. For this changing, Spider's management table was changed from previous version, please execute "install_spider.sql" for upgrading.

Vertical Partitioning
  This release is bug fix release.

- Table partitioning supports fulltext searching.

- Added following parameters to bundled handlersocket.
  - handlersocket_bulk_insert
    Handlersocket supports bulk inserting.
    This parameter is bulk size of inserting.
    There is a feature that insert from multiple users becomes bulk insert, and there is the speed-up of insert of the application to which insert of a single line is done with the MultiThreading.
     0:Disable bulk inserting.
    1-:Execute bulk inserting when the stocked records increase more than the values of the parameter.
  - handlersocket_bulk_insert_timeout
    The maximum standby time of the state that it doesn't reach the number of records of handlersocket_bulk_insert to execute bulk insert. (second)

- Table partitioning supports "handlersocket_direct_update_mode" with Spider. (It only works with unlimited updating and deleting with handlersocket_unlimited_boundary.)

Please see "99_change_logs.txt" in the download documents for checking other changes.

Thanks to Kazuhide, Takahiro, Yuki, Hiroshi and Sangjin for bug reporting.
Thanks to Mikiya for your advice.



[MySQL][Spider][VP][Other]Spider-2.24 VP-0.13 released

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spider storage engine version 2.24(beta) and Vertical Partitioning storage engine version 0.13(beta).
Spider is a Storage Engine for database sharding.
Vertical Partitioning is a Storage Engine for vertical partitioning for a table.

The main changes in this version are following.
- MySQL 5.5 support.
- handlersocket support.
  You can use handlersocket through Spider table that called by handlersocket. It means handlersocket can access to sharded databases. Currently, handlersocket support only Linux.
  Set "spider_use_hs_read=1" and "spider_use_hs_write=1" for activating this feature.
  Added following parameters to bundled handlersocket.
  #1 handlersocket_support_merge_table
    Please set this parameter to 1, if you want to use merge_myisam and vp tables through handlersocket.
  #2 handlersocket_direct_update_mode
    Improvement performance for a lot of rows updating. Currentry, this parameter works only for Spider table(except partitioned Spider table). I will add a direct update feature for partitioned Spider table at next release.
    There are following modes.
    1:direct update mode 1
      This mode can write binary logs on local server at direct updating.
    2:direct update mode 2
      This mode cannot write binary logs on local server at direct updating, but this mode is the fastest. (This mode can write binary logs on remote server)
  #3 handlersocket_unlimited_boundary
    If limit value is more than this parameter, limit value means unlimited.
- Support fulltext search.
  Except partitioned Spider table. I will add a fulltext search feature for partitioned Spider table at next release.
- It's available to set monitoring_node for per table, per link_id and per pertition to mysql.spider_link_mon_servers.
- Add table parameter "hs_read_port", "hs_write_port", "use_handler", "use_hs_read", "use_hs_write", "hs_read_socket" and "hs_write_socket".
- Add server parameter "spider_use_handler", "spider_use_hs_read", "spider_use_hs_write", "spider_hs_r_conn_recycle_mode", "spider_hs_r_conn_recycle_strict", "spider_hs_w_conn_recycle_mode" and "spider_hs_w_conn_recycle_strict".
- Add value of 3 to "auto_increment_mode"(table parameter) and "spider_auto_increment_mode"(server parameter).

Vertical Partitioning
- MySQL 5.5 support.
- Support full text search.
  Except partitioned VP table. I will add a fulltext search feature for partitioned VP table at next release.

Please see "99_change_logs.txt" in the download documents for checking other changes.

Thanks to Gen, Yoshihiko, Satoko and Makoto for testing and bug reporting for online schema changing.
Thanks to Takahiro and Kazuhide for testing and bug reporting for Spider's HA feature and VP.
Thanks to Kamipo and Laurent for bug report.
